‘Alex Tried to Understand’ series

MLOps Maturity Levels according to Google

Replication in distributed systems: Single leader / Master-Slave / Active-Passive

Alink: Flink-based ML Platform and Text Sentiment Analysis using Logistic Regression

Manage Your Machine Learning Ensembles Using Spring Boot and Camunda

Detailed Introduction to HTTP: history, basics, structure, methods, status codes

Parameterized Tests in JUnit 5: CsvSource, MethodSource, ArgumentsSource

Edge Computing. Part 1: Fundamentals

Exactly-once Semantics in Apache Flink: How does it work?

Netty meets High Load: A Story of TCP Tuning

Step-by-step Introduction to Apache Flink ML 2.0: Iris Flowers vs. K-NN Classification

Backpressure in Java Ecosystem: Spring WebFlux, Flow Control and Reactor 

Compilation in Java: AOT/JIT/Bytecode/Optimization

Saving Spark Dataframe to Apache Cassandra using Datastax Spark Connector

How, Where and When Apache Kafka Writes Data (Page Cache included)

Apache Cassandra Write Path, Compaction and Use Cases in 3 Minutes

Ordering guarantees in Apache Kafka partition

Increasing reliability and durability in Apache Kafka: TOP-11 Settings

Feature Stores for Machine Learning: A Beginner’s Introduction

Message Delivery Semantics in Distributed Systems: Kafka included